5 Things I want To Tell My 14 Year Old Self

You Are Wrong About Everything 

You think you figured it all out and know exactly how things will end up, the people you’ll be with, the things you like, the things you don’t like and so, so much more. But guess what? You’re wrong. And the funny thing is, I think I figured it all out now, but I’m probably wrong too, and I guess that’s okay. 

Because I’m starting to accept, or trying to at least, that life is too short to truly figure it out, and I’ll probably die still uncertain. Now, that is a hard pill to swallow. The only ray of light I see in this eerie feeling is that, as long as you change, it means you’re growing as a person. Accepting that change is good, is something I’m still learning, because it signifies you learned from your experience and moved on. 

Listen To Your Parents 

I never really understood when people said this to be while I was young, so it feels weird saying this to someone else, but goddamn those people are right. Okay, maybe not about everything, like with technology and this newer lifestyle, newer parents might be out in the blue trying to navigate their child and this new lifestyle. But in life, in general, parents are right. They lived on this earth for more decades than us, and they definitely speak from experience when they tell us stuff. 

I still remember plenty of instances when my mom said, “yea, you’ll grow out of it” and I used to argue with her. But, as she said, I grew out of it. I know the irony here, even if I say listen to your parents, I am that person from the beginning that I ignored, and like me most do. But better late than never to start listening to your parents. Even if you don’t take action on everything they say, listen to them, try to understand their point of view and give them the respect they deserve.

Love Is Not What You Think

She’s not the one… Or her, or her

Being committed at such a young age and being in a long relationship where you end up getting married, having kids and dying together like in movies sounds cool and all, but it’s not like that for most people. At that age you’re still discovering yourself, and the same goes for the other person. As I already mentioned, you are wrong about everything

I’ve had so many friends who end up in a committed relationship for so long, just to break up when they grow into adulthood and start knowing themselves more. It’s no one’s fault really, it’s just how it is. I wouldn’t say all is bad though, being in a relationship teaches one a lot, and that’s invaluable. I’ve learned some of my greatest life values from the few relationships I’ve been in. But all I’m trying to say is that take down the seriousness down a notch. It just leads to pain when it inevitably ends.

Appreciate The People Around You More

The sad reality is that most of the people you value so dear to you won’t be with you 10 years from now. It’s not the dramatic fights you see in movies, life is way more painful. As time passes, you just drift apart. Your interest changes, there isn’t a school or college to bind everyone together and, you just get busy with life. So take the time to appreciate the people in your life now. Tell them you appreciate them, make memories, and make the most out of it. I’ll end this with a quote from Dr Seuss,

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”

Sex, Books And Confidence

Here are some quick tips:

  • Masturbation is completely normal and healthy. You don’t have to google and check it at every chance you get. Enjoy yourself, explore more and stop worrying doofus.
  • Start reading books. And I mean ASAP, because I’m sure It’ll help you navigate or at least help you gain some much-needed perspective on a lot of things. You’ll be surprised by how much you can learn.
  • Confidence will take you places. Speak out more on every chance you get and get rid of that useless stage fear that still haunts me today. How? Well, first understand that everyone’s afraid, and you’re not special. This single sentence, although simple on the surface, if really understood, might just be the key you need.

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