Less Is More : Let Me Explain

Have you every had one of those moments of realizations when you look around yourself and you see that you don’t have a lot of things that others do, yet you seem to be happier than most? Well I’ve been having such revelations recently, and the common thread I could find was the difference between quality and quantity. There is some truth in the saying, quality over quantity. The thing is, more isn’t always better and less may just me more. I know I sound like a fool, but let me explain with a few examples.

All of us have a lot of friends, we also have a few close friends, but some only have that group of close friends. And from what I’ve gathered, the people with only that small group of friends are the happiest. They don’t need to be pretend friends with the masses and are happy in their own bubble. They are surrounded by people who love them for who they are and with whom they can be vulnerable with. But it does come at a cost. Being close minded, getting too comfortable and not widening your perspective and diminishes your social skills, are some of the major drawbacks to not putting yourself out there. Best case scenario you know how to balance these two : comfort and sociable.

In this golden age entertainment and media, people consume thousands of minutes of content on their phones and PC’s every single day. But rarely do we take a step back and reflect on the things we view. This is quite a relevant topic to me, which may be apparent from my posts : How To Get More Value From the Media You Consume and Why I Quite Every Social Media. I even unironically quoted : I believe that less is actually more in the case of media in the former. We consume so much but we never let it settle and reflect on it. If the content you watch is just reels of kids dancing, there’s not much to reflect on. But I’m talking about consuming informative or even interesting content. Just because you watched more, doesn’t have to make you smarter. So its better to really understand the few videos or information you get than bombard your brain with constant meaningless information.

Picture speak a thousand words, but thousands of pictures of your new shoe for example has nothing to say. I believe we take too much photos. Gone are the days where you get into the right pose for that perfect shot, these days its expected to take at least 50 just to get one that is okay. I have been on both sides, and I truly believe once you start taking lesser photos, those few will always be special and always evoke a strong memory. Unsurprisingly I have written an entire blog-post stating my opinions, so just hear me out : Why I Started Taking Less Photos. However there are a lot of exceptions to this because ultimately pictures are a form of preservation.

This last one and probably one of the most, out there example is talking. Yes talking, but let me clarify I don’t mean conversation. I am all about talking things through, being open about your feeling and being a open communicator. What I mean is talking for talking sake. We all know a few people in our life that just won’t shut it. They go on and on about nothing, and the thing they don’t understand is that the more they talk, the lesser value each of their words has. Now imagine that persons opinion to someone who doesn’t talk that much but decided to give their opinion. It’s obvious, they don’t talk that much so when they do, it means they really have something worth saying. That’s my point. Talk when you have something to add, not for the sake of talking.

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