Category Article

Informative articles with a different outlook.

The Curse Of Knowledge

Everyone seeks knowledge, that is the facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education. Knowledge is what empowers us, but after deeper inspection it may also seize something from us. Something neglected, innocent but more importantly unrecoverable, and that…

AI Is The Next Internet

the growth of artificial intelligence graph

Artificial Intelligence or AI is everywhere. You hear and see the word AI almost every single day. From mundane tasks to the creative, the list of things the power of AI can do goes on and on, and is too…

Freaks and Geeks & The Golden Child Syndrome

lindsay weir - freaks and geeks

I was watching Freaks and Geeks for the first time recently while I was also reading the book “How to overcome your childhood” by The School of Life. I wasn’t thinking of correlating the two in any way, but when…

Imagine Yourself In Layers

You are not just who you think you are. Your present habits, ideology and personality traits take the spotlight because they are the only things that are immediately visible. “Who we are” is the combination of “who we were”. Our…

Good Old Days Is A Myth

Good old days is a myth

“You remember when we used to go out in the evenings and talk for hours?” “Yea, those were the good old days” There’s no such thing as “good old days”, it’s a myth we made, to make us feel as…

Books, eBooks and Audiobooks

Books, ebooks and audiobooks

Gone are the days of cave paintings, papyrus scrolls and wax tablets. Reading has never been more accessible than right now. From Kindles with thousands of books at your fingertips, to audiobooks on your phone, where you don’t even have…

Love Is Mundanity

Loving someone isn’t just about the big flashy moments that one remembers when thinking of love. Love isn’t the hot steamy feeling you get in their presence, love isn’t what popular media portraits as love, love isn’t believing your partner…

I. Love. You.

i love you whats app chat

Three simple words that could solve so much, yet many freeze, at the thought of saying it. Maybe it’s because you don’t want to imply something unintentionally, maybe you were once hurt by those same three words, or maybe you…

How To Manage Time As A Student

The Perfect Student Schedule

Managing time as a student can be hard. I know that because, I am a student. You have classes 6 – 7 hours daily, which alone can make you feel like your entire day is over. On top of that,…