Category Article

Informative articles with a different outlook.

Your Opinion Are Not Actually Yours

Your Opinion spotlight

Influence     A few months after quitting watching YouTube, I was looking back on some of the things I had strong opinions on, and it suddenly hit me how I don’t believe them anymore. Did I simply change, or was…

The Priority Pyramid – Narrow Your Priorities

pyramid art

The Priority Pyramid is a pictorial representation of your current goals and the different priorities you’ve assigned to them     While I was preparing to write this post, It was brought to my attention that many similar priority pyramids already…

Why I Started Taking Less Photos

Point of view of taking a picture with smartphone

Every Photo Used To Say A Story, But Now Photos In Story’s Say Nothing I was sitting with one of my best friends while he was looking at Snapchat. He’s the type of guy that sent’s a snap every time…

Too Many Memories Are Wasted In Messages

pixel art text messages

Text On A Screen If I told you to close your eyes and think of a memorable memory, you’ll probably think of an occasion with your friends or family doing something IRL (in real life), never do we think about…

My 3 Day Study Routine

a guy studying

It’s Not One Size Fits All This method works for me, but it might not work for you. Everyone has their own way of studying, and it’s something you develop along the lengthy road of your educational career. I, for…

How To Get More Value From The Media You Consume

guy looking at his phone at night

Media Media in my eyes include everything we consume in our leisure time like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Movies and even the blogs and books you read. It’s all information that our brain has to process constantly and take value…