I. Love. You.

Three simple words that could solve so much, yet many freeze, at the thought of saying it. Maybe it’s because you don’t want to imply something unintentionally, maybe you were once hurt by those same three words, or maybe you just don’t want to make things awkward. Whatever your reason might be, I assure you, it’s not worth the silence.

Saying I love you, means only what you want it to mean. You could say it to your best friend to let them know how much you appreciate them, you could say it to your mom to let her know what a great mom she is, you could say it to that special someone to let them know you care for them, or you could even say it to yourself, for just being you. Everyone deserves to know they are being loved, and we could be the messenger they’re waiting for.

Saying it while you can, is infinitely better than regretting it later when you can’t, because you never know when it’s the last. So hey! I love you. Yes you, whoever you are, wherever you are, and whenever you are reading this. I love you for reading this blog, and giving it your time. I love you for being you, and I hope I encouraged you to say these same three words to at least one other person.

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