I am a slave to my human brain and its evolutionary need to mate, breed and exist.
I am a slave to this physical body I was given, without consent.
I am a slave to how my parents raised me and the blood we share.
I am a slave to the values, culture and country I was born into.
I am a slave to the social norms to act and behave a certain way.
I am a slave to the need to work and earn paper.
I want to, but I can’t.
I want to feel love without all its attached strings.
I want to be free from the constant struggle to maintain my body.
I want to decide the things I inherit and not have it picked for me.
I want to think without any subconscious bias or stereotypes.
I want to be free from human expectations and expect none from others.
I want to do what I love, and not care for its paper value.
I want to, but I can’t.