One Year Of Blogging

Never in a million years, did I ever imagine writing will become one of my hobbies, one of my favorite ones at that. It has been an entire year since I started writing, and I’m happy to say I have no intention of stopping. This is going to be an extension of a previous post which I made after only a month of blogging (read HERE). Everything I said in it still holds, but I wanted to add a few more points to it since a few things have changed, like this blog no longer being my little secret and having a few more eyes on it.

Well, let’s start with the big one, it being the change from blogger to my own domain. It was an impulsive yet, well thought decision. I wanted my own website badly but I still wasn’t sure of my writing skills, so I wondered if it would be worth the price. Nevertheless, I spent the money and built this website, so that I wouldn’t back out and stick with this hobby. Fortunately, It worked out and I’m glad I enjoy writing and have a website I can call mine. Moreover, having my own website was the push I needed to tell others of my blog.

A few friends who knew of my blog before, said I should publicize it more, but again self doubt stopped me. But having my own website made me take that leap and I’m happy to report the reactions were positive and I’m glad I did it. I got quite a few wholesome reactions from different people from friends, family, and strangers, that ultimately motivated me to write more. One special comment I want to highlight is from a person from Argentina who commented on my Steam profile saying my post about our educational system (read HERE) helped them. I had a stupid smile while reading this and I love that they could relate to my opinion even half way across the globe. Here’s the comment:

steam profile comment

One of my goals for this year was to post 2 blog posts a month. Happy to say, I’m on the victory lap as this post you’re reading will be the second last post of this year. The final one being my year review, similar to what I did last year (2021 review). I’m glad I kept this pace of 2 blogs per month and didn’t post more. Because for one, It made the goal more doable, anything more than 2 in hindsight would have made this a job and not a hobby. I say this as there were many times along the year where I wanted to break the routine and post more, because I had extra content. But because I stuck with it, the extra content came in useful when I had busy months where I couldn’t write.

In respect to writing, I can feel my writing skills improving with each post. This struck me when I recently read few of my first posts and saw how bad I was. I know, I’ll probably read the blogs I’m writing right now, a few years in the future and think the same, but that only means I’m improving. Also, ever since I took blogging seriously, my mind has been bombarded with great ideas. The thing I love is how, I’ll suddenly get an epiphany, which by the time I’ve finished writing about, will change how I view different aspects of my life. I’m currently sitting on dozens of ideas which I can’t wait to write about.

What do I have in store for my blog for 2023 you ask? Well, more of everything. I intend on sticking with the 2 posts a month, as it seems to work perfectly with my other schedules. I am thinking of writing more about personal finance as it is something I’m quite interested in these days. Apart from that, I will be writing about things as they come around. I also don’t intend on putting any ads on my website, so I decided to put a “donate” link on the homepage, which redirects to my PayPal, this is for anyone who really likes my content and would like to tip a coin or two. So all-in-all, pretty great start to a lifelong hobby.

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